Source: csound.js

 * Csound JS frontend, adapted from PNaCl Csound
 * Copyright (C) 2017-8 V Lazzarini
 * This file belongs to Csound.
 * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

* @classdesc Csound frontend class, wrapping CsoundObj
* @constructor 
Csound = function() {
    var Csound = null;
    function load_dep(file, elm, callback) {
        var jsl = document.createElement(elm);
        jsl.type = "text/javascript";
        jsl.src = file;
        jsl.onload = callback;
        console.log("loading: " + file);

    function absolute_path() {
        var scriptElements = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
        for (var i = 0; i < scriptElements.length; i++) {
            var source = scriptElements[i].src;
            if (source.indexOf("csound.js") > -1) {
                var location = source.substring(0, source.indexOf("csound.js"));
                return location;
        return "";

    function createModule() {
        var path = absolute_path();
            load_dep(path + "CsoundObj.js", "script", function() {
                console.log("loaded CsoundObj");
                CsoundObj.importScripts(path).then(() => {
                    console.log("loaded WASM runtime");
                    csound.Csound = new CsoundObj();
                    // csound.Csound.setOption("-M0");
                    // csound.Csound.setMidiCallbacks();
                    csound.module = true;
                    if (typeof window.handleMessage !== 'undefined') { 
                        console.log = console.warn = function(mess) {
                            mess += "\n";
                    if (typeof window.moduleDidLoad !== 'undefined')
                    if (typeof window.attachListeners !== 'undefined') 

    var fileData = null;
    var tableData = null;
    var started = false;
    var statusText = 'Not loaded.';

     * Prints current status to the console.
     * @param {string} opt_message The status message.
    function updateStatus(opt_message, keep) {
        if (opt_message) {
            statusText = 'Csound: ' + opt_message + '\n';
        var statusField = document.getElementById('console');
        if (statusField) {
            var fieldType = statusField.tagName.toLowerCase();
            if (fieldType == 'div') {
                statusText += " <br>";
                if (!keep) statusField.innerHTML = statusText;
                    statusField.innerHTML += statusText;
            } else {
                if (!keep) statusField.value = statusText;
                else statusField.value += statusText;
     * Starts audio playback.
    function Play() {
        if (started == false) {
            csound.Csound.compileOrc("nchnls=2\n 0dbfs=1\n");
            started = true;
        } else {

     * Get Score time in seconds
    function GetScoreTime() {
        return csound.Csound.getScoreTime();

     * Pauses audio playback.
    function Pause() {

     * Stops rendering and resets csound.Csound.
    function Stop() {

     * Sends orchestra code to be compiled by csound.Csound.
     * @param {string} s A string containing the code.
    function CompileOrc(s) {

     * Starts real-time audio playback with a CSD. The variable can contain 
     * a filepath or the literal text of a CSD.
     * @param {string} s A string containing the pathname to the CSD.
    function PlayCsd(s) {
        CopyUrlToLocal(s, s, function() {
            started = true;

     * Compiles a CSD passed as a string of text.
     * @param {string} s A string containing the complete text of the CSD.
    function CompileCsdText(s) {
        // This function internally discriminates between CSD text 
        // and CSD pathnames.
        started = true;

     * Starts file rendering with a CSD (no real-time audio). The variable can contain 
     * a filepath or the literal text of a CSD.
     * @param {string} s A string containing the pathname to the CSD.
     * @param {function} callback completion callback
    function RenderCsd(s, callback = null) {
        CopyUrlToLocal(s, s, function() {

     * Sends a score to be read by csound.Csound.
     * @param {string} s A string containing the score.
    function ReadScore(s) {

     * Sends line events to csound.Csound.
     * @param {string} s A string containing the line events.
    function Event(s) {

     * Sets the value of a control channel in csound.Csound.
     * @param {string} name The channel to be set.
     * @param {number} value The value to set the channel.
    function SetChannel(name, value) {
        csound.Csound.setControlChannel(name, value);

     * Sends a MIDI channel message to Csound's MIDI input.
     * @param {number} byte1 first midi byte (128-255)
     * @param {number} byte2 second midi byte (0-127)
     * @param {number} byte3 third midi byte (0-127)
    function MIDIin(byte1, byte2, byte3) {
        if (byte1 < 128 || byte1 > 255) return;
        if (byte2 < 0 || byte2 > 127) return;
        if (byte3 < 0 || byte3 > 127) return;
        csound.Csound.midiMessage(byte1, byte2, byte3);

     * Sends a MIDI NOTEOFF message to Csound's MIDI input.
     * @param {number} channel MIDI channel (1-16)
     * @param {number} number MIDI note (0-127)
     * @param {number} velocity MIDI velocity (0-127)
    function NoteOff(channel, number, velocity) {
        if (channel > 0 && channel < 17)
            csound.Csound.midiMessage(127 + channel, number, velocity);

     * Sends in a MIDI NOTEON message to Csound's MIDI input.
     * @param {number} channel MIDI channel (1-16)
     * @param {number} number MIDI note (0-127)
     * @param {number} velocity MIDI velocity (0-127)
    function NoteOn(channel, number, velocity) {
        if (channel > 0 && channel < 17)
            csound.Csound.midiMessage(143 + channel, number, velocity);

     * Sends in a MIDI POLYAFT message to Csound's MIDI input.
     * @param {number} channel MIDI channel (1-16)
     * @param {number} number MIDI note (0-127)
     * @param {number} aftertouch MIDI aftertouch (0-127)
    function PolyAftertouch(channel, number, aftertouch) {
        if (channel > 0 && channel < 17)
            csound.Csound.midiMessage(159 + channel, number, aftertouch);

     * Sends in a MIDI CONTROLCHANGE message to Csound's MIDI input.
     * @param {number} channel MIDI channel (1-16)
     * @param {number} control MIDI cc number (0-127)
     * @param {number} amount  cc amount change (0-127)
    function ControlChange(channel, control, amount) {
        if (channel > 0 && channel < 17)
            csound.Csound.midiMessage(175 + channel, control, amount);

     * Sends in a MIDI PROGRAMCHANGE message to Csound's MIDI input.
     * @param {number} channel MIDI channel (1-16)
     * @param {number} number MIDI pgm number (0-127)
    function ProgramChange(channel, control) {
        if (channel > 0 && channel < 17)
            csound.Csound.midiMessage(191 + channel, control, 0);

     * Sends in a MIDI MONOAFT message to Csound's MIDI input.
     * @param {number} channel MIDI channel (1-16)
     * @param {number} amount  aftertouch amount (0-127)
    function Aftertouch(channel, amount) {
        if (channel > 0 && channel < 17)
            csound.Csound.midiMessage(207 + channel, amount, 0);

     * Sends in a MIDI PITCHBEND message to Csound's MIDI input.
     * @param {number} channel MIDI channel (1-16)
     * @param {number} fine fine PB amount (LSB) (0-127)
     * @param {number} coarse coarse PB amount (MSB) (0-127)
    function PitchBend(channel, fine, coarse) {
        if (channel > 0 && channel < 17)
            csound.Csound.midiMessage(223 + channel, fine, coarse);

     * Sets the value of a table element.
     * @param {string} num The table to be set.
     * @param {string} pos The pos to set.
     * @param {string} value The value to set.
    function SetTable(num, pos, value) {
        csound.Csound.setTable(num, pos, value);

     * Sets the value of a string channel in csound.Csound.
     * @param {string} name The channel to be set.
     * @param {string} string The string to set the channel.
    function SetStringChannel(name, string) {
        csound.Csound.setStringChannel(name, string);

     * Requests the value of a control channel in csound.Csound.
     * @param {string} name The channel requested
    function RequestChannel(name) {
        return csound.Csound.getControlChannel(name);

     * Copies a server file to local/. (not persistent).
     * @param {string} src The src name
     * @param {string} dest The dest name
    function CopyToLocal(src, dest) {
        csound.CopyUrlToLocal(src, dest);

     * Copies a URL file to local/. (not persistent).
     * NB: works with the origin URL and CORS-ready URLs
     * @param {string} url  The url name
     * @param {string} name The file name
     * @param {function} callback completion callback
    function CopyUrlToLocal(url, name, callback = null) {
        var xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xmlHttpRequest.onload = function() {
            var data = new Uint8Array(xmlHttpRequest.response);
            csound.Csound.writeToFS(name, data);
        };"get", url, true);
        xmlHttpRequest.responseType = "arraybuffer";


     * Requests the data from a local file;
     * module sends "Complete" message when done.
     * @param {string} url  The file name
    function RequestFileFromLocal(name) {
        fileData = FS.readFile(name, {
            encoding: 'binary'

     * Returns the most recently requested file data.
    function GetFileData() {
        return fileData;

     * Requests the data from a table;
     * module sends "Complete" message when done.
     * @param {number} num  The table number
    function RequestTable(num) {
        tableData = csound.Csound.getTable(num);

     * Returns the most recently requested table data.
    function GetTableData() {
        return tableData;

    function message(text) {

    function start() {

     * Start default audio input.
    function StartInputAudio() {
        csound.Csound.enableInput(function(status) {
            if (status) csound.updateStatus("enabled audio input\n");
            else csound.updateStatus("failed to enable audio input\n");

     * Reset the Csound engine
    function reset() {

    return {
        module: false,
        /* Keep these in alphabetical order: */
        Csound: Csound,
        Aftertouch: Aftertouch,
        CompileOrc: CompileOrc,
        compileOrc: CompileOrc,
        CompileCsdText: CompileCsdText,
        compileCsdText: CompileCsdText,
        ControlChange: ControlChange,
        CopyToLocal: CopyToLocal,
        CopyUrlToLocal: CopyUrlToLocal,
        createModule: createModule,
        Event: Event,
        GetFileData: GetFileData,
        GetScoreTime: GetScoreTime,
        getScoreTime: GetScoreTime,
        GetTableData: GetTableData,
        message: message,
        MIDIin: MIDIin,
        NoteOff: NoteOff,
        NoteOn: NoteOn,
        Pause: Pause,
        perform: Play,
        PitchBend: PitchBend,
        Play: Play,
        PlayCsd: PlayCsd,
        PolyAftertouch: PolyAftertouch,
        ProgramChange: ProgramChange,
        ReadScore: ReadScore,
        readScore: ReadScore,
        RenderCsd: RenderCsd,
        RequestChannel: RequestChannel,
        RequestFileFromLocal: RequestFileFromLocal,
        RequestTable: RequestTable,
        reset: reset,
        SetChannel: SetChannel,
        setControlChannel: SetChannel,
        SetStringChannel: SetStringChannel,
        setStringChannel: SetStringChannel,
        SetTable: SetTable,
        StartInputAudio: StartInputAudio,
        start: start,
        Start: Play,
        stop: Stop,
        updateStatus: updateStatus

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    csound.updateStatus('page loaded');
    if (csound.module == false) {
        csound.updateStatus('Loading WASM Csound module.\nThis might take a little while.');
    } else {
        csound.updateStatus('Not ready.');
    window.addEventListener("unload", function(e) {
        if (csound != null && csound.Csound != null)
    }, false);


 *  The global singleton csound frontend object
var csound = new Csound();