Source: CsoundScriptProcessorNode.js

 * C S O U N D
 * L I C E N S E
 * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

// Setup a single global AudioContext object
    (function() {
        try {
            var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
            return new AudioContext();  
        catch(error) {

            console.log('Web Audio API is not supported in this browser');
        return null;

// Global singleton variables
var AudioWorkletGlobalScope = AudioWorkletGlobalScope || {};

/** This E6 class is used to setup scripts and
    allow the creation of new CsoundScriptProcessorNode objects
    *  @hideconstructor
class CsoundScriptProcessorNodeFactory {

    // Utility function to load a script and set callback
    static loadScript(src, callback) {
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.src = src;
        script.onload = callback;

     * This static method is used to asynchronously setup scripts for 
     *  ScriptProcessorNode Csound
     * @param {string} script_base A string containing the base path to scripts
    static importScripts(script_base='./') {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            CsoundScriptProcessorNodeFactory.loadScript(script_base + 'libcsound.js', () => {
                AudioWorkletGlobalScope.WAM = {}
                let WAM = AudioWorkletGlobalScope.WAM;

                WAM["ENVIRONMENT"] = "WEB";
                WAM["print"] = (t) => console.log(t);
                WAM["printErr"] = (t) => console.log(t);
                WAM["locateFile"] = (f) => script_base + f;

                AudioWorkletGlobalScope.libcsound(WAM).then(() => {

                    // Cache cwrap functions into CSOUND global object 
                    CSOUND = {
                        new: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_new', ['number'], null),
                        compileCSD: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_compileCSD', ['number'], ['number', 'string']),
                        evaluateCode: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_evaluateCode', ['number'], ['number', 'string']),
                        readScore: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_readScore', ['number'], ['number', 'string']),
                        reset: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_reset', null, ['number']),
                        getOutputBuffer: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getOutputBuffer', ['number'], ['number']),
                        getInputBuffer: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getInputBuffer', ['number'], ['number']),
                        getControlChannel: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getControlChannel', ['number'], ['number', 'string']),
                        setControlChannel: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_setControlChannel', null, ['number', 'string', 'number']),
                        setStringChannel: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_setStringChannel', null, ['number', 'string', 'string']),
                        getKsmps: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getKsmps', ['number'], ['number']),
                        performKsmps: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_performKsmps', ['number'], ['number']),
                        render: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_render', null, ['number']),
                        getInputChannelCount: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getInputChannelCount', ['number'], ['number']),
                        getOutputChannelCount: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getOutputChannelCount', ['number'], ['number']),
                        getTableLength: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getTableLength', ['number'], ['number', 'number']),
                        getTable: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getTable', ['number'], ['number', 'number']),
                        getZerodBFS: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getZerodBFS', ['number'], ['number']),
                        setMidiCallbacks: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_setMidiCallbacks', null, ['number']),
                        pushMidiMessage: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_pushMidiMessage', null, ['number', 'number', 'number', 'number']),
                        setOutputChannelCallback: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_setOutputChannelCallback', null, ['number', 'number']),
                        compileOrc: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_compileOrc', 'number', ['number', 'string']),
                        setOption: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_setOption', null, ['number', 'string']),
                        prepareRT: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_prepareRT', null, ['number']),
                        getScoreTime: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_getScoreTime', null, ['number']),
                        setTable: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_setTable', null, ['number', 'number', 'number', 'number']),
                        destroy: WAM.cwrap('CsoundObj_destroy', null, ['number'])


     * This static method creates a new CsoundScriptProcessorNode. 
     *  @param {number} inputChannelCount Number of input channels
     *  @param {number} outputChannelCount Number of output channels
     *  @returns {object} A new CsoundScriptProcessorNode
    static createNode(inputChannelCount=1, outputChannelCount=2) {
        var options = {};
        options.numberOfInputs  = inputChannelCount;
        options.numberOfOutputs  = outputChannelCount;
        return new CsoundScriptProcessorNode(CSOUND_AUDIO_CONTEXT, options);

/**  @classdesc A ScriptProcessorNode class containing a Csound engine
 *   @class CsoundScriptProcessorNode
 *   @mixes CsoundMixin
 *   @param {AudioContext} context AudioContext in which this node will run
 *   @param {object} options Configuration options, holding numberOfInputs,
 *   numberOfOutputs
CsoundScriptProcessorNode  = function(context, options) {
    var spn = context.createScriptProcessor(0, options.numberOfInputs, options.numberOfOutputs);
    spn.inputCount = options.numberOfInputs;
    spn.outputCount = options.numberOfOutputs;

    let cs =;
    CSOUND.setOption(cs, "-odac");
    CSOUND.setOption(cs, "-iadc");
    CSOUND.setOption(cs, "-M0");
    CSOUND.setOption(cs, "-+rtaudio=null");
    CSOUND.setOption(cs, "-+rtmidi=null");
    var sampleRate = CSOUND_AUDIO_CONTEXT.sampleRate;
    CSOUND.setOption(cs, "--sample-rate="+sampleRate);
    CSOUND.setOption(cs, "--nchnls=" + this.nchnls);
    CSOUND.setOption(cs, "--nchnls_i=" + this.nchnls_i); 

     *   @mixin CsoundMixin
     *   @ignore
    let CsoundMixin = {
        csound: cs,
        compiled: false,
        msgCallback: (t) => console.log(t),
        csoundRunning: false,
        csoundOutputBuffer: null,
        csoundInputBuffer: null,
        zerodBFS: 1.0,
        offset: 32,
        ksmps: 32,
        running: false,
        started: false,
        cnt: 0,
        res: 0,
        nchnls_i: options.numberOfInputs, 
        nchnls: options.numberOfOutputs,         

         *  Writes data to a file in the WASM filesystem for
         *  use with csound.
         * @param {string} filePath A string containing the path to write to.
         * @param {blob}   blobData The data to write to file.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        writeToFS(filePath, blobData) {
            let FS = WAM["FS"];
            let stream =, 'w+');
            let buf = new Uint8Array(blobData)
            FS.write(stream, buf, 0, buf.length, 0);
        /** Compiles a CSD, which may be given as a filename in the
         *  WASM filesystem or a string containing the code
         * @param {string} csd A string containing the CSD filename or the CSD code.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        compileCSD(csd) {
            CSOUND.compileCSD(this.csound, csd);
            this.compiled = true;

        /** Compiles Csound orchestra code.
         * @param {string} orcString A string containing the orchestra code.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        compileOrc(orcString) {
            CSOUND.compileOrc(this.csound, orcString);
            this.compiled = true;

        /** Sets a Csound engine option (flag)
         * @param {string} option The Csound engine option to set. This should
         * not contain any whitespace.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        setOption(option) {
            CSOUND.setOption(this.csound, option);

        /** Renders a CSD, which may be given as a filename in the
         *  WASM filesystem or a string containing the code. This is used for
         *  disk rendering only.
         * @param {string} csd A string containing the CSD filename or the CSD code.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        render(csd) {
            CSOUND.compileCSD(this.csound, csd);
            this.compiled = false;

        /** Evaluates Csound orchestra code.
         * @param {string} codeString A string containing the orchestra code.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        evaluateCode(codeString) {
            CSOUND.evaluateCode(this.csound, codeString);
        /** Reads a numeric score string.
         * @param {string} scoreString A string containing a numeric score.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        readScore(scoreString) {
            CSOUND.readScore(this.csound, scoreString);
        /** Sets the value of a control channel in the software bus
         * @param {string} channelName A string containing the channel name.
         * @param {number} value The value to be set.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        setControlChannel(channelName, value) {
            CSOUND.setControlChannel(this.csound, channelName, value);
        /** Sets the value of a string channel in the software bus
         * @param {string} channelName A string containing the channel name.
         * @param {string} stringValue The string to be set.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        setStringChannel(channelName, value) {
            CSOUND.setStringChannel(this.csound, channelName, value); 
        /** Starts processing in this node
         *  @memberof CsoundMixin
        start() {
            if(this.started == false) {
                let ksmps = CSOUND.getKsmps(this.csound);
                this.ksmps = ksmps;
                this.cnt = ksmps;

                let outputPointer = CSOUND.getOutputBuffer(this.csound);
                this.csoundOutputBuffer = new Float32Array(WAM.HEAP8.buffer, outputPointer, ksmps * this.nchnls);
                let inputPointer = CSOUND.getInputBuffer(this.csound);
                this.csoundInputBuffer = new Float32Array(WAM.HEAP8.buffer, inputPointer, ksmps * this.nchnls_i);
                this.zerodBFS = CSOUND.getZerodBFS(this.csound);
                this.started = true;
            this.running = true;


        /** Resets the Csound engine.
         *  @memberof CsoundMixin
        reset() {
            this.compiled = false;

        destroy() {

        /** Starts performance, same as start()
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        play() {

        /** Stops (pauses) performance
         *   @memberof CsoundMixin
        stop() {
            this.running = false;

        /** Sets a callback to process Csound console messages.
         * @param {function} msgCallback A callback to process messages 
         * with signature function(message), where message is a string
         * from Csound.
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        setMessageCallback(msgCallback) {
            this.msgCallBack = msgCallback;
        /** Sends a MIDI channel message to Csound
         * @param {number} byte1 MIDI status byte
         * @param {number} byte2 MIDI data byte 1
         * @param {number} byte1 MIDI data byte 2
         * @memberof CsoundMixin
        midiMessage(byte1, byte2, byte3) {
            CSOUND.pushMidiMessage(this.csound, byte1, byte2, byte3);

        onaudioprocess(e) {
            if (this.csoundOutputBuffer == null ||
                this.running == false) {

            let input = e.inputBuffer;
            let output = e.outputBuffer;

            let bufferLen = output.getChannelData(0).length;

            let csOut = this.csoundOutputBuffer;
            let csIn = this.csoundInputBuffer;
            let ksmps = this.ksmps;
            let zerodBFS = this.zerodBFS;

            let cnt = this.cnt;
            let nchnls = this.nchnls;
            let nchnls_i = this.nchnls_i;  
            let res = this.res;

            for (let i = 0; i < bufferLen; i++, cnt++) {
                if(cnt >= ksmps && res == 0) {
                    // if we need more samples from Csound
                    res = CSOUND.performKsmps(this.csound);
                    cnt = 0;

                for (let channel = 0; channel < input.numberOfChannels; channel++) {
                    let inputChannel = input.getChannelData(channel);
                    csIn[cnt*nchnls_i + channel] =  inputChannel[i] * zerodBFS;
                for (let channel = 0; channel < output.numberOfChannels; channel++) {
                    let outputChannel = output.getChannelData(channel);
                    if(res == 0)
                        outputChannel[i] = csOut[cnt*nchnls + channel] / zerodBFS;
                        outputChannel[i] = 0;

            this.cnt = cnt;
            this.res = res;

    let WAM = AudioWorkletGlobalScope.WAM;
    WAM["print"] = (t) => spn.msgCallback(t);
    WAM["printErr"] = (t) => spn.msgCallback(t);

    return Object.assign(spn,CsoundMixin);